2016 Bounty Plant Sale is right around the corner!

Plant Sale 2016_r2-2-1

Help us grow our programs by getting your plants at the 6th Annual Bounty Plant Sale on Sunday, April 24th from 9am to 3pm at the Bounty Community Farm, located at 55 Shasta Ave.

With over 25 varieties of affordably priced vegetables, fruits and select herbs, choose from 3,000 plants starting at $3.00. There will be popular favorites including heirloom tomatoes and ‘sungolds’. Succulent cherry, slicer and sauce tomatoes, hot and sweet peppers, eggplant, onions, leeks, herbs, lettuce, chard, kale, specialty greens, cabbage, broccoli, melons, winter and summer squash, beans and flowers round out the selection! A full list of varieties is available here: PlantSaleDescriptions2016

Thanks to our sponsors, Petaluma Bounty will be offering a dollar for dollar match, up to $10, for anyone purchasing their edible plants with CalFresh (EBT). Let these local businesses know you appreciate their contribution to Petaluma Bounty- Bi-Rite Market, econscious, Fishman Supply, Grab n’ Grow, HydroFarm, Lisa Krieshok, Petaluma Coffee and Tea, Petaluma Poultry, and Wyatt Irrigation!

Proceeds from the Annual Spring Plant Sale support the Bounty Farm, Education Programs, and other initiatives that provide healthy food to low-income families and seniors that may not otherwise be able to afford it. Grow your own food while helping others grow theirs! And if you have extra, donate to the Bounty Hunters!

If you’d like to help out the day of the Plant Sale, please sign up via this link: Volunteer Spot.

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