“Our members are as varied as the produce we grow” — Arroyo Community Garden Looks Forward to Continued Success

Editor’s note: Arroyo Community Garden is a partner in our Community Garden Program. We are excited to share their 2023 highlights that they’ve shared with us.

Arroyo Community Garden (Photo courtesy of Arroyo Community Garden members)

Arroyo Community Garden started in 2009 with Petaluma Bounty’s support and guidance.

Here we are at Year 15, looking forward to 2024. Year 2023 saw our 30 members planting 27 boxes, including a shared group zucchini box. (Next year, we’ll try less zucchini and add some corn.)

Our water conservation method during the drought saved most of our 30-tree orchard. The fruit was smaller this year, but in some cases, it was sweeter and more prolific. In addition to the monthly meetings, we hosted three Friday evening potlucks, where our harvest was shared and many stories told.

Arroyo Community Garden’s success is due to it being a true community. We are grateful to our landlords, The Living Word Lutheran Church, for their continued generosity in allowing us this space to garden. We depend on each other, support one another during life’s hiccups and truly like one another.

Our members are as varied as the produce we grow — from young to wise elders, we have a broad range of life experiences, abilities, religions, ethnic histories, and gardening expertise. 

All our members participate as they are able, doing a variety of maintenance chores in addition to our monthly shared workday. That dedication to our community continues to keep Arroyo Community Garden going strong.

— Rebecca Sartain, Arroyo Community Garden

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