An Update on the Bounty Community Farm Acquisition
We have two years to raise the rest of the funds to purchase the property from the current owners. Continue Reading →
We have two years to raise the rest of the funds to purchase the property from the current owners. Continue Reading →
Petaluma Bounty participated in the North American Bat Survey for the second year in a row! In celebration of Bat Week, we want to share with you which bat species were detected at the Bounty Community Farm back in June/July of 2021. Bat Week is Continue Reading →
It’s time for Reyna to move on and we’re looking to find the next Farmer for Petaluma Bounty! It’s a unique position that requires interest and ability in managing people and plants. Other staff will prioritize community engagement and education as this position is focused Continue Reading →
If you haven’t been tracking the Bounty Farm daily operations, you may have missed the perseverance and commitment that Reyna Yagi continued to demonstrate throughout the 2021 season. Each farming season is unique and offers new and unexpected challenges. If you’d like to learn about Continue Reading →
It’s Hispanic Heritage Month. While we never want to limit worthy celebrations to a singular month, or box in a vast number of diverse people to one category, the month gives us the opportunity to reflect upon what’s important to us, now, as a society. Continue Reading →