***scroll down for market updates as of August 1st 2023**
Petaluma Bounty, in partnership with local agencies, will distribute Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program vouchers starting Tuesday, July 11th. A tandem program, Senior Bounty Bucks, will be distributed to SFMNP recipients in August.
We regret that some people will not receive these benefits, even if they qualify and even if they need it. This year, it was decided at the state level that Sonoma County would only receive 300 SFMNP check booklets. That’s a significant reduction from years past and less than the demand.
We know the need is greater than the capacity of this program so we will have information for additional resources on hand. But it is also important to demonstrate to the state that the limited number of SFMNP check booklets are well utilized.
Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) is a federal program administered in California by the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) and the California Department of Public Health’s WIC Program.
Our 2023 Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program distribution schedule
Petaluma Bounty, a program of Petaluma People Services Center, are will distribute SFMNP booklets in July. Two other service organizations will also distribute SFMNP in Sonoma County, CA, via their own channels. They are Council on Aging and West County Community Services.
Please treat SFMNP checks as the same way you’d treat cash and spend them at the farmers markets without delay. In order to keep checks coming in future years, we need to show that there is a need, and you can do so by using them up!
Petaluma Bounty’s SFMNP distribution schedule is as follows. (Subject to change if unforeseen circumstances arise.)

Senior Bounty Bucks distribution schedule
All seniors who receive SFMNP this year are eligible to receive Senior Bounty Bucks. Distribution will be on the first market day of each month starting August 2023. Please note that the chart below shows dates only through October, but we are planning on continuing with the same pace through December 2023.
Besides Petaluma Bounty, which two other service organizations will distribute SFMNP in Sonoma County, CA, using their own channels?
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They are West County Community Services and Council on Aging. We heard that West County Community Services has finished distributing all booklets. We do not know if Council on Aging has as well.