Youth Employment

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Since 2008,  Petaluma Bounty partners every summer with the Employment Department at Petaluma People Services Center (PPSC) to employ a crew of young people at Bounty Farm.  Sonoma County youth have the unique opportunity to apply to be part of the county-wide, Sonoma County Youth Ecology Corps (SCYEC) each spring; a program that places environmental stewardship and community work at the center of their employment opportunities.

farm workEcoYouth Corps from years past

Working with partner organizations like PPSC, SCYEC employs hundreds of youth throughout Sonoma County and places them in Open Space Districts, County & State Parks, Community Farms, and non-profits. Priority for this program is given to young people between the ages of 16-24 who are low-income, receiving public assistance, and are not in school and not working. From the PPSC Employment website, “PPSC’s Youth Link Young Adult Services assists at-risk teens in taking their first steps to find a good entry level job.” Much more than just providing young people a job and paycheck, SCYEC is committed to offering young people environmental education, an opportunity to positively contribute to their community, and work experience and training. You can read more about the Sonoma County Youth Ecology Corps and their incredible accomplishments here:

Petaluma Bounty is proud to be a partner in this incredible county-wide  program, and we receive a crew of 5-8 young people each summer. Summer employment runs from June through August, and the youth work alongside a Crew Supervisor & Bounty Staff for up to 24 hours per week. Youth placed at Bounty Farm engage in all aspects of farm production including greenhouse maintenance, planting, watering, harvesting, weeding, and small construction projects. We are committed to providing an educational experience to our youth work crew to enhance their hands-on work with topics that include sustainable agriculture and community work. The youth crew have also supported Bounty Farm produce sales at the Farmacy at the Petaluma Health Center, and the on-site Farm Stand.
To learn more about qualifications for eligibility for the Bounty Farm SCYEC Youth Crew, contact the Employment Department at PPSC at  707-765-8488 ext 137 or email


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