Master Gardeners Uncover the Unity Garden

On a recent Tuesday morning, a group of Master Gardeners gathered at the Unity Garden on the Petaluma Bounty Farm. They worked to clear the plot and uncover its potential. Sue, of the “Sundays with Sue” series fame, sent us photos and a short reflection. We are happy to connect with fellow green-lovers and excited for what’s to come!

From Sue:

A small but mighty work crew worked to uncover the Unity Garden.

It was cool to find medicinal relics and try to ID them. We will have another work party soon. Dandi and her husband, Doug, brought their intense mower to clear away paths and perimeters!

The other workers were Jacqueline, Renee Hayes, Patricia Souza, Bryce Sumner, Leslie Quadres, Guma, and Patti Looper. We also have a video by Suzi Grady telling the history of the Unity Garden.

2 Replies to “Master Gardeners Uncover the Unity Garden”

  1. Sue

    Such a joy to be at the farm! Thank you for all that Petaluma Bounty does for the community!!

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