Nevertheless, we persisted — Read our 2021 Annual Impact Report

2021 was an especially challenging year with prolonged pandemic challenges felt on every level. It was a year that called upon us all to draw even deeper from our reserves and push ourselves to examine how well our actions aligned with our values.

Our team and community responded with equanimity and grit, as demonstrated in our 2021 annual report. We hope you take the time to read our director’s message and the pages that follow.

We would like to thank all volunteers, donors, board members, and supporters. Special thanks to volunteer JJ Harris who copyedited the report.

Use the controls below the digital flip book to enlarge the report, download as a PDF, print, and more.

2 Replies to “Nevertheless, we persisted — Read our 2021 Annual Impact Report”

  1. Shan Magnuson

    Wow. This is a truly impressive annual report. The results of all that is done by Petaluma Bounty to support community health in so many ways is remarkable. The report itself is visually beautiful, the writing clear and articulate, the photographs fabulous, and the testimonials speak for themselves.

    So many thanks to all who make this small but mighty urban farm so fruitful, bountiful and inspiring. The hard work and persistence of the staff and volunteers are incredible, and the benefits to the community immense, not just in healthy food but in inspiration and energy for the complex support of community partnerships and collaborations.

    So much appreciation for the persistence, creativity and flexibility of the Bounty director, Suzi Grady who never gives up.

  2. Rocky

    I am so impressed with the breadth and depth of the work being done by this unique community-based nonprofit organization. What an inspiring report on the real impact of these model programs.

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