Calling All Volunteers for Our 2022 Cesar Chavez Day of Service

Cesar Chavez dedicated his life to improving pay and conditions for farmworkers and sounding the alarm over the dangers of pesticides. As Cesar Chavez Day (March 31) approaches, we reflect on Cesar’s remarkable life and work and invite all volunteers for a day of service dedicated to Cesar. Our Cesar Chavez Day Continue Reading →

Guest Blog: Greenhouse Reflections Part 1

Guest written by Intern Jane It’s hard to communicate the significance of planting seeds. Even on the days you’re not feeling particularly in awe of the world, planting seeds is always magical. It has been my privilege to have been a part of getting thousands Continue Reading →

Bounty Hunters gleaning training- help us get extra produce to people in need!

The Bounty Hunters gleaning program is a network of amazing volunteers who harvest and redistribute local garden and farm-grown produce to folks in our community in need of nutritious fresh fruits and vegetables. We take from our neighbors’ abundance that would otherwise go to waste Continue Reading →

Bounty Hunters Training and Engaging this Saturday

This Saturday from to 2 to 4pm, we are inviting all Bounty Hunters past and present to come to the farm. We have invited our coordinators, past and present, to share what working with the Bounty Hunters Food Recovery program did for them, how it Continue Reading →

Volunteer Perspectives: From a Young Community Farmer

The soil on our community farm has been worked by many hands, young (like, 18-months-old young!) and old. During the spring, various middle school students completed their community service at Bounty Farm. One of these volunteers, Makoa, shared his experience with us and we wanted Continue Reading →