Unity Garden Re-Opening with Mini-Workshop Series

Thanks to the hard work of the UC Master Gardeners of Sonoma County, we are excited to kickoff the official re-opening of the Unity Garden with a mini-workshop series.

The event will take place on May 6th, 2023 from 10 am to 1 pm. The Master Gardeners will be offering several 15-20 minutes mini-workshops on a variety of topics relevant to local gardeners. Keep reading to see the topics!

The workshops will be held in the Unity Garden. The Unity Garden was founded in 2017 with the intention of creating a garden area at Bounty Community Farm that represents the diversity of our community, generates experiential and educational spaces for children, individuals and families to engage with the farm and garden, and promotes visibility of Bounty Community Farm from the street. Beginning this past year, the UC Master Gardeners of Sonoma County have worked tirelessly to revamp the space and turn it into a community “hub.” We are so excited for this to be the first event to be held in the space!

The event is drop-in, free, and open to all. No gardening experience is required. The mini-workshops will include:

  1. Planting In your Spring/Summer Raised Bed
  2. Easy Irrigation and Timer Installation 
  3. Container Gardening – Plant in a Themed Wine Barrel: Pizza Toppings, Fresh and Pretty Salads, and Fancy Drinks
  4. Use a Wire Basket to Keep Away Those Pesky Rodents
  5. Can-Do Composting 
  6. Springtime Children’s Garden Crafts

We hope to see you there!

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