2016 Plant Sale a success, thanks to our community!

A huge Bounty thank you to all of our day-of volunteers who were an imperative piece to all of our successes at the 2016 Plant Sale! Thank you for your time on Sunday, and for representing Petaluma Bounty to the wider community!

community shot

For this event we define success as raising funds for our programs in a manner that encourages more gardening in the community, providing equitable access to plants and food (through our CalFresh match incentive), relationship building and community engagement/memory-making at the Bounty Farm. We sold or re-homed approximately 1,500 plants; brought on several hundred visitors to the farm; and will  donate the remaining plants to local school and community gardens!

kids corner
Kudos to Farmer Taylor and team for having great variety and thousands of healthy, hardy plants! Katie H. did a great job coordinating volunteers day of, and our amazing Advisory Board for recruiting volunteers, making food for the volunteers and being the wind in our sails!

A special thank you to the event sponsors including Sheila and Petaluma Coffee & Tea for keeping us all hydrated; Bug from Heritage Salvage for bringing us on for some radio time; Grab n’ Grow for the great starting mix; Hydro-Farm for the wonderful greenhouse supplies; and Fishman Supply, Bi-Rite Market, Petaluma Poultry, and Wyatt Irrigation for your monetary support and outreach efforts.

In Community,

Suzi and the Bounty Team
P.S. Photo credit to Erin Writesman, more pics to come!

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