Volunteer Survey Results In!

A HUGE thank you to all who participated in the 2016 Bounty Farm Volunteer Survey! This survey was very important to highlight the voice of volunteers and continue to grow and improve our Volunteer Program.  We will take these findings and feedback and incorporate them into this year’s programming.  In the survey, we focused on questions relating to the motivation of volunteers, their engagement opportunities, and future opportunities for deeper involvement with the Bounty Farm. Through our Volunteer Program, we strive to create opportunities for our community to come together in meaningful ways, learn real skills in sustainable farming and gardening, support those in need in their community, and help to create a local and just food system in Petaluma and beyond! This year we will be rolling out a Workshop Series at the Bounty Farm, focusing on topics gleaned from the Volunteer Survey related to farming and gardening. Stay tuned!

Our Volunteer Program presently consists of the following:

  • Every Wednesday: 2 pm to 5pm, for Veteran Farm Volunteers
  • Every Saturday: 10am-12pm, Work on the Farm for new and regular volunteers
  • Farmers’ Market LIFE: Market Volunteers
  • Various shifts: Bounty Hunter Drivers to pick up and drop off extra produce
  • 2nd Saturday of the Month:  “Day on the Farm”   Workday (10am-1pm)! New Volunteer Orientation (10am) for Bounty Farm and Bounty Hunters. Potluck at 12pm!
  • Special events (namely Plant Sale and Brews and Bites for Bounty)
  • Bounty Hunters Gleaners
  • Drop-In Bounty Farm Volunteer Hours
  • Administrative
  • Support with Social Media, Communications, Outreach Events
  • Support Educational Initiatives

To sign up to be a volunteer, click here.


Some highlights and findings from our 2016 Volunteer Survey:

Q: Why did you first decide to join Petaluma Bounty?

  1. I believed in Petaluma Bounty’s mission
  2. I wanted to meet people and feel a sense of community with others
  3. I wanted to support those in need in my community

Q: What did you gain/are you gaining from your volunteer experience?

  1. Contributing to create a local, thriving and just food system
  2. Knowledge of farming & gardening
  3. Serving those in need in my community

Q: What have been some of the most enjoyable farm activities for you?

  1. Getting to know the other volunteers
  2. Learning about farming techniques

Q: What are ways you would feel more invested and engaged as a volunteer?

  1. Have monthly workdays and potlucks
  2. Participate in a farm workshop series to gain more knowledge
  3. Interact with the community at the Farm Stand or Farmer’s Market

Q: What value does the Bounty Farm bring & programs bring to the community?

  1. Access to local, healthy & affordable food for all
  2. An opportunity for community members to give back & engage meaningfully
  3. Helping to create a local and just food system for Petaluma

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